An interview should be a two-way street, whereby each participant contributes 50% shaping the flow of conversation. If you come out of an interview and the interviewer has done the majority of the talking, likelihood is you will have demonstrated a lack of interaction and interest. Similarly, if you have done the majority of the talking you have probably demonstrated that you are a dominant character that doesn’t listen. Either way you will reduce your chances of landing the role.

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Remember to let the interviewer lead and direct the conversation; however, contribute your fair share by asking questions throughout the interview.

Prior to the interview, it is important to think about the types of questions that you want to ask. After all, the questions you ask during an interview will play a huge part in the company’s selection process.  

How would you describe your company’s culture?

First, you need to establish whether the role and the company will work for you. After all, you are going to be spending a substantial amount of your time there.

If you prefer a relaxed environment where you are trusted to work independently and manage your own time, you will likely regret accepting a role within a highly corporate business that prefers to micro-manage its employees.

What are your company’s short and long term goals?

The interviewer should be trying to impress you just as much as you are them, so don’t be afraid to ask direct questions like this. Besides, you will likely impress the interviewer with your keen interest in the development of the business.

Ask the interviewer where they see the company heading over the next year or so and in particular, what plans do they have for your specific department. It is important for you to know where the company is heading – if they don’t share the same attitude as you then you might want to think twice before accepting the role.

How will my performance be monitored?

Questions like this are great because they allow you to manage your expectations and get a good idea of what will be expected from you.

Every role has a target, a goal, so it is a good idea to lay these down in the interview so you can gain a good understanding of what you will need to do to achieve them.

What opportunities are there for progression?

It is great to understand what opportunities for progression there will be for you as they will play a huge part in your decision to accept the role. Having the opportunity to expand and develop your current skills set are key and it is also good to know that with hard work and achievement you will be able to advance within the business.

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