Well it’s over two years since FJR came into an existence and what a two years. Over the last 24 months or so there have been some constants, many changes and a few that got away. The biggest consistent is the adventure we are all on. Be that learning new skills, making the calls without big brother judging or having big brother catching us if we make the wrong call but most of all the constant has been the fun and camaraderie that has pulled us all together as we build something that we all really can own and shape.

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At present we are looking for new offices. We have had a great time at Piccadilly Three but it is time we flew the nest. Year two saw the business grow beyond our expectations and we were joined by some great people we are now twelve but bursting and about to pop out of our offices.  We have several like-minded passionate individuals that are due to join in the next few months so it is now critical that we find a new home, which is not as easy as it sounds.

Our new home needs to have a lot! It feels like we are changing our boat part way through the adventure. The reliable dingy P3 got us across the channel but it is now time for the open sea or ocean. The familiarity goes but in comes the next stage of the adventure, the stirring passion and excitement that is created by the change which will in turn drive the rewards that will only get bigger…. Awesome, it makes you feel alive!

If I am honest it is what I set Frazer John up for and why most join FJR – call it what you like, the adventure, freedom, the ride or the journey but is intoxicating. More questions – what about location Central Business, Northern Quarter, serviced again or big boy rents and leases… so many decisions to make which will define us…..

Today we may have found our home. Lots to do yet but that feeling you get when you are excited and passionate about what we could create…. the physical environment to enhance our culture atmosphere and energy – I will go to bed happy tonight excited about FJR’s potential new home, roof garden and the adventures it will no doubt bring….as I say “Be the Adventure and Dream Big as life can pass you by”.

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