When you are that focussed on putting one foot in front of the other – along with your breathing, your pace and making sure you don’t fall in the canal – you forget where and why you are running.

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We are five weeks away from the Manchester Half Marathon and Frazer John Recruitment is joining forces with Manchester City Council to raise money for Big Change Manchester – a collaboration of charities supporting the homeless community.

Mamuciam, a Roman fort in AD 79, has seen some transitions across its history – from the Industrial Revolution to the Manchester Blitz in 1944 – and one thing that has remained intact is the heartbeat of the people.

Today, Manchester is thriving with rapid growth and welcomes businesses and people worldwide. However, we have a crisis on our very own doorstep that needs our support. So when approached by Manchester City Council’s Rough Sleepers Team asking us to supply runners to raise extra money, how could I refuse?

Piecing together a makeshift training schedule around work and family life hasn’t been easy but sometimes we just need to take a step back and see the bigger picture:

When I was a young lad my Grandad used to say to me:

“Paul, the problem with people these days is they just don’t look up…”.

I used to nod and carry on watching Blue Peter without a care to what he was saying, but the older I’ve become the more this resonates and the more I come to appreciate, not only his wisdom, but the City in which I live.

I have undertaken a lot of my training in and around the city and from the views of chimneys that inspired Lowry to the new Etihad complex, the City has a vibe; a pulse coursing through its veins and keeping the Northern Soul drum echoing across its cobbles.

So, suddenly the training becomes easier, the diary becomes manageable and each day I feel proud that each step I take may help someone get their life back on track.


Follow Paul’s story as he helps our team prepare for the 14th October, with weekly updates every Wednesday.




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