Moving to a new company and taking on a new role is a huge step that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Before you go ahead and accept any new offer there are a variety of things that you need to consider to make sure that not only the role, but the company is right for you. A company’s culture, drive, balance and overall ambition can reveal a lot, so it is important that you do your research.

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Working for a company that understands the importance of a good company culture is key; after all, work is a huge part of our lives. What is the point in working for a company that has no sense of enjoyment or fun? You will likely end up unhappy, stressed and miserable, and this can often affect your mood outside of work. No one wants to spend the night before worrying about the morning to come. The best and most successful companies are the ones that can create a great working environment whilst remaining highly productive.

Ambition and drive

Ambitious and driven companies are successful companies – they want to go places and expect the best from their employees. Having likeminded individuals that have the ability to think ahead of the game and stand out from the crowd will drive a company forward. This type of company will challenge you and expect you to perform at your highest level.


Similar to company culture, working for a company that understands the importance of a work/life balance is essential. A company that expects you to work ridiculously long hours on a regular basis in order to get things done isn’t good; production levels drop and mistakes start creeping in. Hard work is an important part of driving success; however, being able to detach yourself from work is just as important and creates an overall better and more productive working environment.

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