Having 500 LinkedIn connections is one thing, utilising those connections in a way that will enhance your job search is another. Successful networking isn’t just about building up your contacts, but about getting as much use out of those contacts as possible.

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Your Summary

Apart from your name and display picture, the summary is the first thing everyone sees. Here’s what your summary should include;

  • Your profession 
  • Your current situation 
  • What kind of role you are looking for – however, don’t be too specific i.e. a role in ‘digital marketing’ will attract more attention and be far more applicable to a wider audience than a role as an ‘Internet Marketing Analyst’.
  • What you can offer a potential employer – include your main skills and achievements

Keep your summary short and interesting – no more than a small paragraph or two.

For further information on optimising your LinkedIn profile, see: Optimising Your Job Search Using LinkedIn.

Begin your Outreach

There are many ways that you can interact with your connections; however, one method really seems to stand out from the crowd – direct e-mail!

Review your connections and identify companies that are of interest to you. Once you have generated a healthy list, find the most appropriate person within that company to contact; the higher up in the hierarchy the better. The company themselves may not be openly advertising a position but that doesn’t mean they’re not thinking about it. 

Construct an e-mail in a similar way to your LinkedIn summary. However this time be sure to introduce yourself at the beginning and end your e-mail with a call to action. Likelihood is that many of your e-mails will go unanswered, however, there will be a select few that spark interest and you never know what will come of these until you give it a go! 

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