The New Year has started quickly and the Christmas break seems a distant memory as clients have quickly got on with recruitment task at hand. At FJR Finance we have seen a significant demand for the “Commercial Finance Manger” or “Finance Business Partner” in the last few months.Clients have been asking for accountants that can be active in operations and add value to the bottom line. Supporting Tenders, Sales, Marketing and Operations directors in the business with almost a dotted line back into the main stream finance team. The rise of these roles has generally been within businesses that seem to be faring better and growing in this climate. The investment in ensuring operations are being supported at source by finance rather than as an afterthought or producing information after the event seems to be paying the businesses back at the bottom line.Candidates that are able to work within non-finance cross functional teams are certainly in demand especially where achievements of supporting and driving a business are clearly demonstrable….

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