More and more businesses are turning to marketing automation to support their marketing efforts. And why wouldn’t they? There are some great tools out there.

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Marketing automation affords you the opportunity to cut through the noise and the jargon and approach your target audience rapidly and effectively.

However, whether marketing automation is done well or not boils down to the capabilities of the people in charge of the marketing strategy.

You only have to type into Google, “marketing automation fails” to see how it can go horribly wrong.

Ever received an email addressed to ‘Hi [first name]’? Yes, I thought so.

Too many businesses try to achieve the impossible on a shoe-string budget, making them susceptible to simple mistakes that could have been otherwise rectified had the right people and the right strategy been in place.

With a thorough strategy, the guess work is removed and automation can become an excellent tool.

Some of the benefits

  • Lead nurturing – keep potential customers engaged, informed and updated
  • Reduce lead conversion time – give interested customers a gentle nudge
  • Tracking – monitor and tweak your strategies based on successes
  • Time – automate the simple stuff

Done correctly, marketing automation has the ability to generate significant revenue and provide an excellent return on investment.

But before you go ahead and invest in the latest marketing automation software, make sure you have a plan and the right people in place to execute it.

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