A significant number of candidates make simple, yet critical mistakes that can leave a recruiter reticent to represent them. 

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1) You’re not qualified

Dress it up anyway you like, but 6 months experience working on the customer service desk at a bank doesn’t make you an accountant. Recruiters can’t risk their relationship with a valued client by sending candidates that are clearly not right for the role, no matter how professional and charming they might be.

2) Your time-keeping sucks

Pretty self-explanatory, but if you are late for a meeting with your recruiter, likelihood is they will begin to question your reliability – ‘what are the chances that they will be late for an interview with a client?’ If you’re going to be late, call; it is common curtesy. Let the recruiter know so that they aren’t waiting around for you.

3) You’re inappropriately dressed

If you’re not sure what to wear, ask. Do not turn up in sweatpants. If the recruiter turned up dressed in sweatpants, what would you think? You need to make a positive first impression.

4) Poor Interview Technique

A recruiter will likely be able to tell from their first meet with you will how well you interview. Preparation, body language, eye contact etc. are all things you should demonstrate on first meeting with your recruiter. Show them that you are confident and that you can interview well.

Make sure you are prepared and that you can comfortably discuss your CV in depth – you can’t go wrong.

5) Unrealistic Expectations

Demanding £80k and a four day week for a role advertised in the range of £40-50k is not going to work. It is incredibly important to put a value on yourself, just make sure that this value is in line with your current experience.


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