The Report on Jobs captures original survey data which provides the most up-to-date monthly picture of recruitment, employment, staff availability and employee earnings trends available. There are three reports, one covering the UK as a whole, one focused specifically on the North of England and one on the South.

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The Report on Jobs is a monthly publication produced by IHS Markit and sponsored by KPMG and REC.

Here are the key points from the North Report on Jobs:

  • A solid rise in permanent staff placements
  • Permanent candidate availability falls at the softest rate in eight months
  • Starting salaries increase sharply

Here are the key points from the South Report on Jobs:

  • Solid reduction in permanent placements
  • Vacancies expand at weakest rates since 2012
  • Availability of workers continues to fall sharply

Here are the key points from the UK Report on Jobs:

  • Permanent placements decline for the fifth time in six months
  • Temp billings expand only slightly
  • Vacancy growth holds close to multi-year low

James Stewart, Vice Chair at KMPG  says:

“Brexit stagnation continues to seize up the jobs market as the slowdown in recruitment activity continues. Permanent staff appointments fell again in June, the fourth month in a row, while subdued confidence ensured that growth in temporary billings remained historically weak.

As we approach the summer holidays, the worry is that vacancy growth – which held close to a multiyear low in June – is unlikely to bounce back as firms take a relatively cautious approach to hiring. Uncertainty is also likely to further dampen staff availability, as candidates are reluctant to change roles at this time. On a sector basis, IT & Computing continued to need more workers while construction and retail saw reduced demand.

Looking ahead, conditions across the labour market are likely to remain restrained against a backdrop of political and economic uncertainty before companies can start to make more informed decisions on their long-term hiring.”

Neil Carberry, Chief Executive at Recruitment & Employment Confederation says:

“The jobs market has slowed a little, but one issue which shows no sign of relenting is the shortage of qualified candidates in some areas.

Agencies employing temporary workers do all they can to train them to fill these vacancies, but this is made more difficult by the constraints of the apprenticeship levy. It is high time that this policy was reformed.”



For free copies of the full reports, please get in touch or call 0333 023 0077. 

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