It’s been a hot topic this season, but it seems there’s still a lot of confusion around employee well-being, particularly when it comes to applying it. Our recent event tackled the confusion head on, in a setting that was perfectly suited…

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The session was held at the MAG-O offices at Manchester Airport, which has had some impressive refurbishments in-line with their own strategy to improve employee wellbeing. Chartered and Registered Forensic Psychologist, Jenny Ingram, recently implemented a 6 week programme at MAG-O, focussing on Mindfulness, and shared her experience with the audience.

Jenny addressed a number of issues at the event, including some shocking statistics about work-related stress, depression and anxiety in Britain.

526,000 cases and 12.5 million work days lost in 2016/2017.

The experienced psychologist went on to look at what mindfulness is and why it works so well, but also explained that everyone will find mindfulness in different ways.

“One way to begin a more mindful lifestyle is when you’re brushing your teeth; focus on each and every tooth, and be totally aware of your surroundings for those 2 minutes. It’s all about practice!”

Download Jenny Ingram’s presentation

There was one part of the morning which went down particularly well, and that was Fran Costello’s outlook on multitasking. With everyone on their feet, she was able to demonstrate how much slower and less effective our brains are when we try to multi-task. So remember, one task at a time!

But there was a more meaningful message behind the fun activity, as the Organisational Development Consultant, soon went on to explain. She highlighted 6 key energy dimensions which impact our well-being; Agility, Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual and Recovery. Understanding each of these dimensions makes it much easier to nurture them and therefore ensure we don’t end up burning out.

Download Fran Costello’s presentation

Both psychological experts in their own right, Fran and Jenny tapped into areas that are relatable to us all, but that are often neglected.

Meanwhile, our own Senior Partner, Anna Chenery shared a very personal experience, giving a perfect example of how a more mindful approach by doctors might have prevented the severe hospitalisation of a close relative.

There was a lot of focus around individuals and how businesses can introduce new ways of thinking to improve employee well-being, but the event headed in a new direction when Franky Rousell, Co-founder of Jolie Studio began to talk about the significance of our environment. Having designed countless office spaces, Franky and Co-founder Chloe Cotard, allow the sensory functions to lead the way; a concept which many businesses appear to be adopting to promote productivity and support well-being.

If you would like to talk more about implementing well-being strategies in your workplace, please contact Lizzie Barrow to see what options would suit you.


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